October 22, 2008

Words - Weekly Study

You Will Need;
Bible, 5 Pieces of Paper (each with one a large letter on it as follows; W-O-R-D-S), Markers

Talk about a time when someone said something that was not nice and how that made them feel. Have everyone share a story if they can. I've found my kids really respond well when I honestly share a story of my own as well. Read Ephesians 4:29; "Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up."

Ask them why God would want us to use nice words instead of mean ones? Ask them each about the "hurtful" story they shared and how it could have been better if the words were "nicer". Then ask everyone to share a story of a time when someone said something kind to them and how that made them feel. Do they see the difference? Talk more about how God wants us to "build others up", give them examples of how to do that.

On your papers have everyone write words that are positive, helpful, kind, encouraging... here are some examples.

W - Way to Go! / Wow / Wonderful

O - Original / Obedient / Overjoyed

R - Righteous / Rejoice / Real

D - Delightful / Darling / Dedicated

S - Super / Sensational / Safe

Then hang your WORDS papers somewhere as a reminder for everyone throughout the week.

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