October 19, 2008

Blog Inspiration

My desire with this blog is to put down in writing the Bible Studies we do with our kids. My husband and I realized we can't lay the expectation of teaching our children about God on the church because WE are their church. These three little people see what we do and how we live every day. So for us just taking them to Sunday School once a week wasn't everything we wanted to give. We decided to do a little bit more, but nothing too unmanageable. Just an extra nudge to help them learn about God's Word and a relationship with him, as opposed to rules and regulations and do/don't religion.

Each week we have a "formal" study that follows a similar pattern and then other times throughout the week we do spontaneous activities or readings or prayer. But don't be threatened, my husband and I are not Bible scholars, we are not musicaly gifted, and neither of us was raised in a church - so if we can do this, you can too. We just love the Lord and desire to give our kids a piece of that too. I hope you'll find some ideas here you can try yourself. Whatever it takes to teach them, bit by bit - that is our WISH. " Train a child in the way that he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it." Proverbs 22:6

Here's the song "I Wish" by Nicole C. Mullen that inspires me to do this for them.

Nicole C. Mullen widget by 6L & AM

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