November 27, 2008

Give Thanks - In Everything!

"In everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you." I Thessalonians 5:18

"When the American pilgrims celebrated three days of thanksgiving in 1621 they were doing what came naturally for them: honoring God in the daily course of events. Many had perished. Food was scarce. Their Indian neighbors were hostile. But they survived. It only seemed normal to them to give God thanks. They weren’t instituting a public holiday—they were manifesting a lifestyle of gratitude. In the Old Testament, seven days were set aside for feasts of thanksgiving. In 1621, three days were set aside. Today, we set aside one day—and spend most of that day focused on food and football. A national day of Thanksgiving is certainly better than none at all, but how much better would be if every person lived a life of gratitude toward God—365 days a year. No special meals would be required—just daily gratitude for the Bread of Life. No unique decorations would be called for—just the fragrant aroma of thankfulness. And no invitations would need to be sent—other than inviting people to taste and see that the Lord is good. If you are grateful to God for His blessings, make sure it’s an everyday kind of gratitude—beginning today. God is never less than generous, even when we are less than grateful."

*Written by John Blanchard

November 26, 2008

Remember "God Says"

This is a verse reference sheet we've printed out for each of us in our family to keep at our fingertips for any moment... I hope you find use for it too. Print it out, carry it with you, hang it in a cupboard or on a mirror - see God's word and let it breathe life into you when you're feeling troubled.

You Say - It's Impossible
God Says - All things are possible
The Word Says - See Luke 18:27 - "Jesus replied, 'What is impossible with men is possible with God."

You Say - I'm too tired.
God Says - I will give you rest.
The Word Says - Matthew 11:28 - "Come to me all who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest."

You Say - Nobody loves me.
God Says - I love you.
The Word Says - John 3:16 - "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son so whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life."

You Say - I can't do it.
God Says - You can do all things.
The Word Says - Philippians 4:13 - "I can do everything through him who gives me strength."

You Say - I'm afraid.
God Says - Do not be scared.
The Word Says - Hebrews 13:6 - "So we say with confidence the Lord is my helper, I will not be afraid, what can men do to me?"

You Say - I feel alone.
God Says - I will never leave you.
The Word Says - Hebrews 13:5 - "...never will I leave you, never will I forsake you."

You Say - It's not worth it.
God Says - It will be worth it.
The Word Says - Romans 8:28 - "And we know that in all things God works for good for those who love him and have been called according to his purpose."

You Say - I can't go on.
God Says - My grace is enough.
The Word Says - 2 Corinthians 12:9 - "He said to me, my grace is sufficient for you."

You Say - I'm worried.
God Says - Give me your worries.
The Word Says - I Peter 5:7 - "Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you."

You Say - I can't forgive.
God Says - I forgive you.
The Word Says - Romans 8:1 - "There is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus."

November 24, 2008

The Fish Legend - Weekly Study

Teach children the history of the fish symbol and why it is important to Christians yet today.

You will need;
Various types of papers, materials
Paint and brushes, markers
*Or opt for suggested field trip

Read Mark 1:17 - "Come, follow me," Jesus said, "and I will make you fishers of men."

Ask children what the above fish symbol means. Ask if they know what it represents, when it started and why it's important. Talk to children and pass on the following legend;

The outline of a fish is a symbol for Christ. In Greek fish is said "ichtys". This fish symbol was a secret for Christians during a time when they were being persecuted. So when two strangers would meet, one would draw an arc on a rock or in the sand with his foot. If the second person completed the fish by drawing other half of the fish, then they knew both were Christians. And since they were then in "good company" they could trust one another.

For more in-depth discussion of ICHTYS; Ichtys means fish in Greek. The fish is a symbol used by followers of Christ since the early days of the church as explained above. Ichtys is an acronym for Jesus Christ God's Son Savior. Here's how it breaks down;

Iota (i) is the first letter of Iēsous (Ἰησοῦς), Greek for Jesus.
Chi (kh) is the first letter of Khristos (Χριστóς), Greek for "Christ" or "anointed".
Theta (th) is the first letter of Theou (Θεοῦ), that means "God's", genitive case of Θεóς, Theos, "God".
Upsilon (u) is the first letter of huios (Υἱός), Greek for Son.
Sigma (s) is the first letter of sōtēr (Σωτήρ), Greek for Saviour.
*anagram details sourced from

After discussing the symbol and it's importance to Christians yesterday and today, complete the craft or field trip by having children practice drawing, painting or marking the fish symbol on different papers, materials and/or sand. Hands AND feet optional!!

*Field Trip Option; If you are near a sandy location, take a field trip and let children mark the symbol in the sand just as the first Christians did. Also have them write ichtys or Jesus in their fish creations. (If there is snow on the ground, go for it!)

*Road Trip Fun; The Jesus Fish Game is similar to the slug bug game (VW Bug punches), as in if you see a Jesus fish on a vehicle, sign or passer-byer, you get to punch (or preferably high-five)another player in the car.

November 17, 2008

Worry Jar - Weekly Study

Teach children worry is a waste of the beauty in life God has given them. Help them understand they shouldn't keep worry to themselves, but rather give it all to God and he'll carry their burdens.

You will need;
Worry Container - Jar/ Shoebox/ Juice Pack / Cereal Box / Soup Can
Fabric, ribbons, stickers, markers
Slips of paper and Pencil

Matthew 6:25, 27 "Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink or about your body, what you will wear... Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?"
Philippians 4:6 "Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving present your requests to God."
Ephesians 3:20 "Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen."
Talk about the verse(s)... not worrying, worry doesn't change things, praying and asking God for help, trusting God, and most importantly praising God!!


*Give each child (and yourself) a worry jar or box - we used the 10-pack juice boxes.

*Have everyone decorate their own box as they choose.

*Write one of the above Bible verses on your box.

Cut a small hole/slit in the top of each box.

Have everyone write a "worry/prayer" on a slip of paper and place it in their box.
Remind them once it goes into their jar/box - it is in God's hands and He will take care of it according to His will.
Close your evening in prayer.

November 11, 2008

No Greater Sacrifice

On Veterans day we salute all those who have served and died fighting for freedoms here and overseas. But as we remember the many vets, let us not forget the one who gave it all first.

"May we never forget to praise and honor the Christ who died for a dying world. Truly there is no greater love than this. For his death was not for freedom from political tyranny, but from the freedom of sin - not just to give us a better life, but to give us eternal life!"

*excerpts taken from Nov 11, out Daily Bread devotional

November 5, 2008

Sharing - Weekly Study

Teach children sharing is much more than just taking turns or letting siblings have what they have.

Our theme song for tonight was "Share Every Good Thing"
by Augsburg’s Rainforest Adventure VBS.
The chorus goes as follows;
"Share your time, Share your talent
Share your stuff so we all have enough.
Share God's love and forgiveness
Share every good thing you have
Share Share Share every good thing you have"

Read Hebrews 13:16 - "And do not forget to do good and to share with others. For with such sacrifices God is pleased."

Ask children the different ways we can share. Remember - no wrong answers! Talk about time, talents, stuff and how even the smallest of them has something to give to others. Remind yourself and the children when we feel we have nothing to share, God's love and forgiveness are the best things we can give - because they are everlasting. Also as children come up with ideas for doing, be sure they hear how much God loves them no matter what they do or how much they do.

Here's some answers our kids came up with for things they can share;
  • Share hugs and his guitar to show God's love and be a good brother.
  • Share her dancing and singing to show God's love and her talents.
  • Help others at school when they are hurt and pray for them.
  • Give books or some toys to Goodwill or the church to share our stuff.

After sharing and encouraging ideas, challenge them and yourself to come up with something concrete each of them can do individually and as a family to share with others this week. Here's some family ideas we had;

  • Send cards to people we know. Draw pictures of God and tell them he loves them.
  • Donate money to a local family who is wanting to adopt internationally.
  • Call a friend and tell them you're giving them 2 hours of help, they have to name the task.

We ended our night int he kitchen with a brown grocery sack. Then the children went to our cupboards and picked out canned and boxed goods to fill the sack. As a family we prayed over the sack of groceries that whomever receives them would be blessed beyond just the contents. Tomorrow we'll deliver the sack to our local food bank.

Happy sharing!!

November 2, 2008

Adoption Month - Our Leap of Faith

November is National Adoption Month and I'd like to share our adoption story. Ours is like many stories in that it was a leap of faith that spurred us to follow something much bigger than our own plans.

Our first pregnancy with Princess was textbook perfect so we anticipated our second child would follow right behind right upon trying. But after five years of struggling for a second child we ended up in a place of frustration and hopelessness. Months of anticipation were met with disappointment and two heartbreaking miscarriages. For those of you who know me, you know life was not going according to "my plan". Nothing was wrong - the doctors said. Just relax - family repeated. It will happen - was friend's great advice. But when you are in those shoes and your heart's deepest desire doesn't come, five years seems like fifteen and well meant words don't help ease heartache.

Our adoption journey kicked off in 2006 when we attended a
Third Day concert and they spoke about sponsoring children overseas. This was something we had already been doing through World Vision International so it was not new to us but it did stimulate a renewed conversation as to our feelings on adoption. As to which we both agreed it was something we'd love to do and should check into.

Soon after while I was praying in bed one night about these adoption conversations I was asking God what we should do. I was confused and excited and scared, but mostly confused. While praying I literally heard the word "James" whisper in my head. I ignored it thinking my brain was leading me to baby names after all this adoption talk. I tried to sleep but heard it again and again. Now many of you may be thinking exactly what I was thinking - CUCKOO! This lady is nuts and should just go to sleep. But nothing like this had ever happened to me before so I was really struck by it. I heard it again so I got up, grabbed my Bible and headed to the bathroom for some quiet. I figured reading would help calm my mind and the tricks it was playing on me. But what to read? I could not get "James" out of my head and went ahead and opened my Bible there. Now I am not a Bible scholar in any way and did not know what James entailed. I started reading Chapter 1 and it talked about trials, temptation, listening and doing. And then it hit me - the last verse of James 1. Verse 27; "Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress..." My heart was racing, "Orphans? Orphans? Are you serious?" Of all the verses in the Bible, this is the one I turn to tonight when seeking an answer about adoption? It seemed very clear to me the answer had just been given. I was crying and my body was shaking. I went to my sleeping husband and woke him, "You won't believe this - but we are supposed to adopt."

The next days we spent researching and talking to adoptive resources. In the end we decided to adopt locally and become licensed foster-parents. This would allow us to not only help children in need, but also families (orphans and widows) and could lead to an affordable adoption for us. So we entered the world of adoption beginning with mounds of paper work, references, home-studies, personal questions and background checks all while taking licensing courses. It was one of scariest thing we'd ever done! It was definitely not in our "plan". But that was how we knew it was right and what kept us going when it got hard. To us if it had been an easy or a flippant decision, that would have been our red flag to take a step back and re-evaluate.
Following our licensing and approval processes "Tee" was placed in our home. He was with us for a year before his adoption was finalized. Six months into his placement we also discovered we were pregnant. So seven years later we're right where we always hoped we'd be. We just didn't get there by taking the road we had "planned". But this other road definitely led us to things greater than we ever imagined and to children far greater than we ever expected!
** To everyone struggling or desiring to have children, I pray for you all the time and urge you to consider adoption and it's many options. God put that desire in your heart for a reason. **

November 1, 2008

Music is a Must!

Although neither of us (hubby or me) can read sheet music or play an instrument, music is a huge part of our lives and has been a big influence in our spiritual growth. We are almost exclusive listeners to Christian music and when not tuned into our local Christian station (, then it's i-Tunes on the laptop or i-Pod keeping us inspired and our minds on the right track. We play the music in the car, throughout the house and during our Bible Study nights. One of my all time favorite things this habit has brought about is completely unprompted singing by our children. And nothing compares to hearing them praise and glorify God all on their own!

Here's some of our favorite Christian artists (and links to their sites) that fill our hearts and ears with joy;